Monthly Archives: May 2014

Research corner: Progressive importance sampling

Corona and Research?

We would like to introduce a new chapter on our blog, which we simply call Research corner“. As you might know, Ondrej and Jaroslav are not only great programmers, but also researchers. They have published many interesting studies and achieved great results in the academic field. We have decided to occasionally publish interesting news and articles from their research on our blog in hope to spark more interest in “what’s really under the layer of C++ code”

In the rest of this article, Ondra describes the latest project he had worked on.


Continue reading Research corner: Progressive importance sampling

Offtopic: Bercon maps for 3dsmax 2015


Today, I’ve taken a short break from making Corona even more awesome ;). Someone at the forum pointed out, that the great and powerful (and free) Bercon maps are not available for new 3ds max versions. Since the author decided to opensource them, I was able to compile a 3ds max 2015 version.

You can download it here It is of course still free. If you don’t have Corona installed, you might need to download the x64 MSVC 2013 redistributables to make them work. If I have the time, I’ll update them again for the future 3dsmax versions.
