Free, render-ready content

We spent the time making and finding great assets, so you don’t have to!

Your time is more valuable than that of your machines, so it is important that any rendering software helps speed you up as much as the rendering process. That’s why Corona comes with premade content that will help you assemble your scenes in record-quick time.

Chaos Cosmos

From empty to full, from start to finish, with a few clicks of your mouse.

Chaos Cosmos provides you with thousands of assets such as models, materials, HDRI skies, and even presets for Chaos Scatter and Corona Pattern, all of which you can use directly from inside 3ds Max or Cinema 4D.

Chaos Cosmos is simply the best integration of assets for Chaos products, with features that nothing else can offer. The content in Cosmos will be 100% compatible with Corona, removing any doubt that comes with downloading assets from other sources.

Last, but not least, you will be able to search for content right from within 3ds Max or Cinema 4D, and add it directly into your scene with just a click of the mouse.

Learn more for Cinema 4D or 3ds Max.

Chaos Scans

There are some materials that are impossible to recreate with any number of parameters and maps in a generalized material, as they have a unique way of responding to light. This is where Chaos Scans comes in. Each material in the library is meticulously scanned to capture how it interacts with light so that you can drag-and-drop it into your scene for 100% accuracy in both look and scale.

This comes into its own with materials such as leather, clothing fabrics, car paints, and reflective and holographic materials. With just a click you can add these materials to your scene, confident that you are recreating reality without spending hours trying to build the material for yourself.

Read more about Chaos Scans.

Corona Material Library


The Material Library is available in both 3ds Max and Cinema 4D, and it provides more than 520 ready to use materials, each with a high-quality preview, and many that don’t need UV mapping as they use Triplanar mapping.

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