Corona Benchmark

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Corona Benchmark User-Submitted Results

Use the list below to view all results submitted from the Corona Benchmark, or use the “Find CPU” function to look for results from a particular make and model of CPU. Note that you can share a specific result directly using the link from the Date field.

# Render time Rays/s Name CPU OS Freq. [GHz] Cores Memory [GB] Date
31 00:00:10.82 44,915,700 10D (4… AMD EPYC 7773X 64-Core Processor (×2) Win 2.64 128 / 256 512 2023-02-10
32 00:00:10.91 44,549,100 10D (4… AMD EPYC 7773X 64-Core Processor (×2) Win 2.55 128 / 256 512 2023-02-10
33 00:00:11.10 43,770,700 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC QiFeiQQqun 5167476 @ 2.0GHz (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-04-14
34 00:00:11.61 41,866,300 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC QiFeiQQqun 5167476 @ 2.0GHz (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-04-14
35 00:00:11.68 41,611,800 WORKSTATI… AMD EPYC 9654P 96-Core Processor Win 2.88 96 / 192 512 2023-08-12
36 00:00:11.82 41,122,300 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC QiFeiQQqun 5167476 @ 2.0GHz (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-04-14
37 00:00:11.99 40,546,100 10D (4… AMD EPYC 7773X 64-Core Processor (×2) Win 2.7 128 / 256 512 2023-02-10
38 00:00:12.14 40,018,300 Amdavadi AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (×16) Win 128 / 256 512 2023-02-01
39 00:00:12.45 39,031,500 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC QiFeiQQqun 5167476 @ 2.0GHz (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-03-16
40 00:00:12.48 38,937,700 hakankarci AMD EPYC 9554 64-Core Processor (×8) Win 3.73 64 / 128 256 2024-07-09
41 00:00:12.53 38,785,400 Namik1985 AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (×2) Win 2.62 128 / 256 128 2023-06-18
42 00:00:12.60 38,579,100 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC QiFeiQQqun 5167476 @ 2.0GHz (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-03-16
43 00:00:12.66 38,387,100 WORKSTATI… AMD EPYC 9654P 96-Core Processor Win 2.97 96 / 192 512 2023-08-12
44 00:00:12.71 38,242,100 biber76 AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (×32) Win 2.48 128 / 256 256 2025-01-16
45 00:00:12.76 38,077,300 3DWS EX… AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-02-14
46 00:00:12.81 37,940,600 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC 7R32 48-Core Processor (×4) Win 96 / 192 512 2020-07-06
47 00:00:12.81 37,934,600 3DWS EX R2 AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2019-12-13
48 00:00:12.88 37,722,600 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC QiFeiQQqun 5167476 @ 2.0GHz (×4) Win 128 / 256 512 2020-03-16
49 00:00:12.98 37,446,500 AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 2.56 128 / 256 256 2023-05-26
50 00:00:13.14 36,990,400 bloommax AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor (×8) Win 2.7 128 / 256 512 2021-10-13
51 00:00:13.37 36,334,900 powerup… AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 2.32 128 / 256 128 2023-12-25
52 00:00:13.47 36,070,600 QiFeiDian… AMD EPYC 7R32 48-Core Processor (×4) Win 96 / 192 512 2020-06-01
53 00:00:13.56 35,844,400 powerup… AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 2.44 128 / 256 128 2023-12-25
54 00:00:13.60 35,731,100 bloommax AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 2.38 128 / 256 512 2020-10-16
55 00:00:13.60 35,731,200 bloommax AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor (×4) Win 2.37 128 / 256 512 2021-12-22
56 00:00:13.83 35,126,700 hibest AMD EPYC 7B12 (×4) Win 2.26 112 / 224 224 2020-03-10
57 00:00:13.92 34,917,200 helloe AMD EPYC 7B12 (×4) Win 2.26 112 / 224 224 2020-03-10
58 00:00:14.08 34,505,700 Namik1985… AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor Win 2.65 128 / 256 128 2023-06-18
59 00:00:14.10 34,476,200 hi AMD EPYC 7B12 (×4) Win 2.25 112 / 224 224 2020-03-10
60 00:00:14.25 34,106,000 MurasameY… AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor (×8) Win 2.17 128 / 256 1024 2021-06-20

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