Corona Benchmark

Test your computer performance using Corona Benchmark.

Corona Benchmark User-Submitted Results

Use the list below to view all results submitted from the Corona Benchmark, or use the “Find CPU” function to look for results from a particular make and model of CPU. Note that you can share a specific result directly using the link from the Date field.

# Render time Rays/s Name CPU OS Freq. [GHz] Cores Memory [GB] Date
211 00:05:21.61 1,510,990 Mo_V AMD EPYC 7F72 24-Core Processor Win 3.19 6 / 6 64 2021-10-21
212 00:06:07.11 1,323,700 pik AMD EPYC 7R32 Win 2.8 4 / 8 31 2023-01-27
213 00:06:25.63 1,260,130 Farshad AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor Win 2.8 8 / 8 30 2021-04-06
214 00:06:45.53 1,198,310 Farshad AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor Win 2.8 8 / 8 30 2021-04-06

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