Corona Benchmark

Test your computer performance using Corona Benchmark.

Corona Benchmark User-Submitted Results

Use the list below to view all results submitted from the Corona Benchmark, or use the “Find CPU” function to look for results from a particular make and model of CPU. Note that you can share a specific result directly using the link from the Date field.

# Render time Rays/s Name CPU OS Freq. [GHz] Cores Memory [GB] Date
1 00:00:36.16 13,437,300 Woklbokl Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra 9 285K Win 5.1 24 / 24 48 2024-10-26
2 00:01:11.67 6,780,610 frv Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 128 2022-05-09
3 00:01:13.11 6,647,050 ANDER M1… Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 128 2022-05-19
4 00:01:13.90 6,575,450 oleg Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 128 2022-09-20
5 00:01:14.48 6,524,070 jim… Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 64 2022-03-19
6 00:01:14.69 6,505,730 Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 64 2022-12-05
7 00:01:15.21 6,461,270 Umberto… Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 64 2022-12-07
8 00:01:21.00 5,999,030 slang Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 64 2022-10-12
9 00:01:34.55 5,139,490 Mac… Apple M1 Ultra macOS 20 / 20 128 2022-06-27
10 00:02:05.96 3,858,050 fresh… Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra 7 155H Win 2.16 16 / 22 16 2024-02-10
11 00:02:09.99 3,738,440 Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra 5 125H Win 3.26 14 / 18 31 2024-12-14
12 00:04:00.62 2,019,520 Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra 7 258V Win 2.69 8 / 8 31 2024-11-18